Sunday, May 10, 2015

Tattoo Touch-Up

     Hello readers! Welcome back to my blog page and happy mother's day! Today I'm going to talk about my touch-up experience as far as my foot tattoo is concerned. Let me just start off with some background information. The guy that did my touch-up is not the same person that originally did the tattoo, however, he is the person who will do my future tattoos because my experience with him was about a thousand times better than it was with my original artist. The girl that did my original tattoo used to tattoo in Vegas and they have a little bit more freedom there. Bottom line is that she made a few artistic choices that were her own and when she tattooed me, it hurt. So, the guy that did my touch-up is known as "no hands Nate" for a reason. When this guy tattooed my foot, I barely felt it! The artist that actually did the tattoo just pushed way too hard when she tattooed me which caused my foot to twitch and my leg to sweat and everything to go wrong. On the flip side, when Nate touched it up i didn't twitch, I didn't sweat, I could concentrate, and I barely felt anything. I'd get another foot tattoo if he did it. This guy makes foot tattoos seem like nothing. Now, here is what I have to say: If you go to a different artist they have to charge you. If you get your touch-up done with your original artist it shouldn't cost you because it's basically them finishing and double checking their work. 
     Alright, I know this post is short and all over the place but the bottom line is this: If you are going in for a touch-up and you were unsatisfied with your original artist it's worth the money to see a different artist. For me, it would've been the shops minimum, but Nate does all of my boyfriend's tattoos and since he was with me he just did it for free. I've learned to research your artists A LOT before you let them tattoo you. If that means finding some of their clients, do it. 
     That is all I have for you today! I hope you enjoyed reading about my touch-up and hopefully I've inspired you to look into your artists more! Have a great week! 

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