Wednesday, May 28, 2014


So I'm going to jump right into it today. I'm moving soon and so I've been thinking about the ups and downs that go along with that. If you're moving soon, or if you move a lot, this could be helpful to you to maybe see things more positively. Maybe you'll realize you don't want to move. I don't know. I'm not you! I want to talk about my top 3 pros and cons about moving! The first thing I thought about was buying all new highschool apparel. Honestly, that's what was on my mind. This is a con of course because high school kids are super involved in school and wear all the school colors and apparel. How am I supposed to replace all that?! The second con for me is that I have to move away from my friends. I finally have friends in this neighborhood, and I don't like that I have to leave. It'll take me forever to find new friends and find my way around a new neighborhood and city. The last con is probably that if I end up wanting to continue attending my current highschool, I'd have to drive every morning, which basically means a lot of gas. That leads to bankruptcy, and soon after I'm living alone with 50 cats. Has anyone considered this? On a happier note, there actually are some pros to moving. For starters you get to switch houses and redecorate. For me this will be a good upgrade as I'll have two closets and I can finally paint walls! I think a change of scenery is good. Secondly, you get a lot better with directions. Although it can be hard to learn your way around at first, you start to see how everything connects! And lastly, you sometimes get a fresh start with your friends. Once again, this can be tough, but sometimes you meet people you wouldn't normally have met, and I think that's something special! I've experienced that through moving first hand. 

Hopefully you enjoyed my view on things! Feel free to like or share or whatever! Thanks !

Saturday, May 10, 2014

Think of the Week

Today I have to talk about something that a ton of people do, and it absolutely drives me insane! There are people that have done it, and there are liars. And no, it's not peeing in the shower. The thing that drives me absolutely crazy is when people google their medical symptoms and then try to do some kind of self-diagnosis. This wouldn't bother me so much if it was accurate at all, but you have people that have a common cold reading online thinking they have bronchitis and pneumonia combined, because yahoo answers told them so. I regret to inform you that most of the people on yahoo answers are not medically trained and can only go off of their personal experiences. If you are having some kind of weird issue, its fine to get some opinions, but you do not need to go insane thinking you have polio until a doctor tells you that you do. Keeping in mind that sometimes doctors can be wrong as well. 

Aside from not freaking yourself out about your yahoo diagnosis, you should probably not go around making other people worry about you as well. The only time I had ever done this was when I had a swollen lymph node from getting my teeth pulled, and I had everyone thinking I had cancer. Funny how the people on yahoo were wrong, huh? I'm sorry if this comes off as a rant, but nobody on yahoo is concerned about your well being and if you need medical advice, you can always contact a doctor or nurse! Thanks so much for reading! Likes and comments are appreciated! Hope you continue to enjoy Thinks and Thoughts form yours truly!

Thursday, May 1, 2014

Thoughts About Practice

Lately I've been wondering about practicing certain skills that you may have. More specifically, how influential practice really is and what it is. The first example that comes to mind is drawing. When small children draw, they typically have no idea what they're doing and no matter how many times mothers say the drawings are amazing, let's be real, they really aren't. Now what I don't understand is that when children grow up, they become so much better at drawing without even practicing it. At what point during life does that weird potato shaped object finally blossom into a distinguishable person without practice?! I don't learn instruments without practicing. I wonder if it may have to do with the fact that as you grow you become more aware of your surroundings and you become more able to transfer that onto paper. Or maybe I'm wrong and I'll never know! But that's my think of the week for you guys ! Thanks for reading!