Sunday, October 26, 2014

Top Places to get Fast "Food"

        I know it's no surprise that I'm writing about fast food considering that we live in America, but I'm going to write about the BEST places to get fast food in my opinion. If we're going to eat out, we might as well do it semi-healthily. If you enjoy the article please share, like, or follow me on Google Plus.

1.) Subway
I think this one is pretty obvious. Subway has everything labeled as far as calories are concerned. This helps you to stop over eating, and ensures that you know how many calories you're putting into your body. This is especially helpful if you're trying to lose weight. Many people don't realize how much they eat every day, so knowing how many calories you're taking in can definitely be a rude wake up call. Subway is my number one choice because I can choose what I want to eat, it's not too expensive, and I have a good idea of what I'm putting into my body. Plus, everything at Subway is fresh which makes it ten times better.

2.) Nutrition Remix
This option is tough mainly because of location; but if you can get to Nutrition Remix it's a super healthy option and a cute little hangout spot. For only $6.50 you get a shot of an aloe drink, a fairly big cup filled with flavored tea, and a shake. The shake is filled with protein powder and comes in just about any flavor imaginable. It's also only 230 calories. The whole thing takes place of a normal meal, and tastes amazing in my opinion. I tend to go there in the morning before school! It's a really great option. They offer additional options for more money; or you can just get tea for $1.00.  I would definitely recommend this place. Your first time is free!

3.) Jimmy Johns
Again; pretty obvious. Sub places take the cake without even selling any. Jimmy johns of course has healthy options that are about the same as subway. It might be a little on the cheaper side if you don't get a meal. I put Jimmy Johns on here because it's refreshing and extremely fast. It clearly surpasses McDonald's and Burger King as far as health is concerned. I just think overall this is another good option, and the signs inside are delightful to read.

I hope you got some new information out of this post! Enjoy and please let me know what you think! Thanks!

Sunday, October 19, 2014

Childhood Pets

        Let me start off by saying that I may be biased because I had many pets as a child. In fact, I probably had almost every pet there was to have. Today I decided I wanted to talk about why I think every child should be allowed to have at least one pet, and how it has benefited me personally. 
        For starters I think pets teach responsibility whether it be through a good experience or a bad one. Through currently owning my bird (Peeka) and my hamster (Fat Amy) I've learned how to manage spending for the most part. It's almost like having a very low maintenance child. I am their source of food, water, and a clean environment which means that it's necessary for me to make sure I have money put aside for them specifically. On the other hand, I have had pets previously which I've been responsible who became ill or died from my lack of responsibility. This included many fish, and a guinea pig that I couldn't seem to give enough time to. Though I didn't take care of them well enough, when they died it was devastating. Dead animals are definitely not fun to see or be responsible for and through that I learned how dependent these pets were on me, and how important responsibility is. 
        The second thing I think that pets help to teach is patience. My bird aggravates me every single day. He's been screaming at me non stop. Almost any time I'm in my room he screams and screams and screams. Of course my first assumption was that the bird was angry and I had to let him be. However, yesterday I decided to look back on the time I've spent with him. I'd been too busy to interact with him very much. Today I took him out for awhile (right now) to sit with me as I blogged. He was very happy and content to be out of his cage. I gave him some treats and put him back in his cage. He's been super quiet. He just needed some time. Although that story relates back to the responsibility thing; it also took a lot of patience. I had to work my way to getting him out of the cage in the first place, and that's what made it so easy to give up before. I always thought he just didn't want to be out. In reality, he was scared and he needed my patience. Once I waited outside long enough for him to be comfortable he came out of the cage. And now he's happy again. I think a better example would be teaching a dog a trick or something. Pet's teach kids that you need to have patience. 
        So I'm going to wrap this up for tonight! I hope you liked this post and if you did, please like and/or share! Thanks!

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Overplayed Songs

Hello everyone! Today I was listening to music on my way to school and noticed that lately I've heard the same few songs over and over and over again. I decided to put a little list together that shows which songs I've heard the most and why I think they're so overplayed! So thanks in advance for reading and if you have anything you'd like me to blog about, or anything you want to know more about, send me a Facebook message and I'll blog about it next week! Here we go!

1.) All About That Bass - Meghan Trainor
I loved this song when I first heard it so much that I pulled over to download it onto my phone so I could listen to it four more times. It's overplayed because of the first impression you have when you hear it. Overplaying it was its downfall. I can't stand the song anymore.

2.) Maps - Maroon 5
The upbeat pace of this song is what makes it so likely to be overplayed. Also, it's by Maroon 5 and every song they write ends up getting around in some way or another. I like the song, and the simple chorus makes it easy to follow along. I don't mind this song being overplayed at all, but sometimes I wish it wasn't just so I could enjoy it for longer.

3.) Sky Full of Stars - Coldplay
This song honestly is the only reason I ever switch the radio station in my car. Yes, it is a good song. However, the softness of it gives it a really sad and sleepy feeling. The song doesn't make me happy. The only reason I can think of that it would be overplayed would be to break up all the upbeat pop songs. Maybe it's me but I never really got into this one.

4.) Don't - Ed Sheeran
I can understand this song being played so much. I do like the song, so I could be biased but I think this song is incredibly catchy. You don't have to be skilled to sing along to it, and that's exactly what made "Call Me Maybe" popular a while ago. The tune can get stuck in your head so easily which makes it hard not to overplay.

5.) Anaconda - Nicki Minaj
This song is overplayed for obvious reasons. If you listen to the lyrics and don't throw-up you're one lucky person. Unfortunately songs like this are popular especially in this generation.

6.) Bonus : Shake It Off - Taylor Swift
Obviously overplayed because nobody can shake it off...

I'd just like to say as well that I could be wrong. Maybe there are other songs in your top 5 I didn't cover. The reason that may be is because I don't do any research to write this blog since it's all about my thoughts! Maybe you've heard other songs way more, and that's totally fine! Thanks again for reading.