Sunday, February 22, 2015

How I Keep Up

     Hello, readers! I'm back this weekend with a post about how I keep up with week to week activities because it might be able to help some of you who regularly forget things or struggle with time management! Long story short, I have a ton of anxiety and it's something I've realized I struggle with on a regular basis. For me, I worry about forgetting things and not having enough time for things. I worry about making sure I keep up with all my hobbies on a strict schedule. It's kind of weird but as much as it bugs me that I need to write everything down, it's helped me so much! So that's what I want to talk about today. Writing things down and how I go about it. 
     So I'll start off by saying I can't function unless I have everything written down. This includes appointments every so often and even things I need to do daily like eat and brush my teeth. Constant reminders ensure I get everything done I have to do that day. After searching forever I found the app Wunderlist. This lets me right everything down and have my phone remind me. I can set the alarms/notifications to occur once, every other day, every week, every other week, and so on. This means I don't have to write the same thing over and over but my phone will automatically tell me every single day to brush my teeth or feed my bird. Also every other Monday I know I have to get my work schedule and go to life group and Sundays I write my blog. Basically I had to sit down once and plan out a typical week and now my phone tells me what I need to do.
     The other option if you can take care of your normal daily activities alone is to just make a simple to do list for that week. This helps when you have a lot of random little things to do that are easy to forget about. 
     I guess I don't have much else to say about it. Basically I want to recommend Wunderlist to anyone who needs it and wanted to share how making lists and setting reminders has helped me. So, thanks for reading and I hope you'll check back next week! 

Sunday, February 15, 2015

50 Shades of People

     Hello, readers!  Today I wanted to talk about the people I saw and what we experienced as theatre employees during the premier of 50 Shades of Grey in case anyone who isn't going to see it wanted to know what the crowd would've been like! So here are the main types of people that went to the premier.
     The first and most obvious is girls. Groups of girls. This could range anywhere from one girl to 12 all going in a group. Each group was obnoxious in their own way and made indescribable comments before entering the movie theatre. Clearly expecting that the movie would've been way better than what the reviews said it would be.
     The second group of people were couples. In each couple the female part of the picture seemed to have been the one who actually wanted to see the movie; while the guy was always the one who was silently following behind. With each guy came a new expression of sadness. 
     The third group that attended (or attempted to attend) the movie were teenagers who couldn't actually legally get into the movie. As hard as they tried they got nowhere fast. Entering different doors did nothing for them. Silly kids.  Try again another day. 
     The final group of people I saw attend the movie was single guys. As they entered the following conversation usually occurred:
Me: "Fifty Shades by yourself today?"
"No, my girlfriend is in the theater waiting." (insert nervous laugh)
Me: "Hmm. Whatever you say.."
It happened all too often to be true. Good try guys. You could've just said you were alone! 
     That's all I have for today, humans!  I hope you all enjoyed your Valentines Day and that you enjoyed this post almost as much! Thanks for reading!

Sunday, February 8, 2015

Foot Tattoo Experience

     Hello readers! As some of you may know, I went to Fargo to get my first tattoo yesterday afternoon! I don't exactly have a ton to say, considering that I still have little to no experience or knowledge on the subject; however I can share my experience for those who are thinking about getting a tattoo on their foot! The first thing that I experienced that I didn't think about was the twitching. Now, I don't know that this happens to everyone but after asking a few people it's pretty much a mixed bag with the majority saying they experienced the same thing I did. My foot twitched pretty consistently and it almost affected my tattoo in a really negative way. I do have a few smudges that are barely noticeable due to the twitching but nothing too bad. So I would say either research how to control that, or be prepared to hold your foot down. I couldn't control it and it wasn't because of the pain. There are just so many nerves in your foot that the tattoo gun will hit! The second piece of advice I would offer Is just not to drink or take ibuprofen or anything because they thin your blood and the tattoo will probably bleed a ton. Other than that be prepared for some pain! It's worth it if you really want the tattoo, though. I love how mine turned out and it's definitely a good idea to choose the artist you want and make sure everything is perfect before you get inked! Thanks for reading today's blog! I'll be back next Sunday with another post!