Sunday, August 10, 2014

The Government

Hello readers! I know I haven't written in quite some time, and this Is because I recently moved! We also added a new member to our family. Basically, my mother got married, so I apologize for being distant. Anyways, I've decided to talk about the government today because it's so confusing to me. Now let me start off by saying that I know the government is corrupt and doesn't work exactly the way it should. However, what I don't understand is why we aren't doing anything about it. I think at the current moment, everything is fine. I'm sitting on my couch. The government isn't bothering me. But what about when they open fire into crowds? Or harm people for reasons unexplained? (By government I guess I mean the president all the way down to the police officers.) When I see videos that show these incidents, or hear stories, all I can think is how long it will be until they decide to do whatever they want. And who will be able to stop them? Basically what I'm saying is that the government has an immense amount of power. They have weapons. They have money. (Mostly ours! That's a joke..) so how long until they decide to go further than monitoring our phone calls? What will we do when they decide? I guess my think of the week is that I'm scared. I'm scared we won't be able to prevent something similar to a dictatorship. But I could be wrong. After all, I'm just a teenager. Politics really aren't my thing. 

Thanks for reading! Share if you like it I guess!