Sunday, May 31, 2015

My Next Tattoo

     Hello readers! I'm back this week to discuss what's been on my mind the most this week and it's the next tattoo I'm getting! This always seems to be something people are curious about also, so I figured writing about it would not only give me an outlet, but it would keep people from asking about it too much when I actually get it. Not that I mind of course, but it's a lot easier to have people read this post than to explain the tattoo every time. Especially because people forget and I've had the same people repeatedly ask what my foot tattoo means. Anyways, let's jump into it. Shall we?
     I have my appointment scheduled at 1:00 on September 19th! I'm not going to release the shop's name for confidentiality purposes, but I'll let you guys know after I get the tattoo. September 19th is my birthday and it's also my dad's birthday. We're going together to get tattoos that say "Semper Fidelis." Semper Fidelis is a Latin phrase meaning "always faithful" or "always loyal." For those of you who don't know, my dad was in the Marines for four years and Semper Fidelis became the Marine Corps' motto in 1883. I decided I wanted to get this with him because I have a huge respect for the Marines, and have always looked up to him for serving. Along with the words, I want to get my mom's, dad's, and two sister's birth years in roman numerals. I will always be loyal to my family and that's kind of what the tattoo means for me. It also helps to remind me of all the other members of my family in the armed forces.
     So there you go! Now you know about my nest tattoo. It'll be pretty small and placed vertically along the side of my back. I'm so excited!

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